Monday, September 7, 2009

apothequeery at dirtstar

this weekend i set up shop at dirtstar (one of the amazing events of the queer cultural center) which hosted some SF homesteaders, activists, artists, performers, and myself.

here's what i did:

Reverend Dori Midnight’s Apothequeery:

 spellcrafted elixirs to sustain the spirit at DIRTSTAR (queer cultural festival)

As dirt- loving visionaries, I ask how we can sustain our hearts, bodies, and spirits while creating sustainable communities and alternative worlds. As we work and play for justice, learn to live on stolen land, and constantly have our hearts broken by the state of things, how do we not get burnt out, depleted, disconnected, full of grief and just plain sick and tired? 

 all ye  in need of healing and magic, step up to the apothequeery for some sweet relief for what ails you. Choose from Baby Nems' Sweet Stuff (hibiscus, ginger, lemongrass, rose), Roots and Wings (burdock root, dandelion root, sassafras, and yellow dock) or Chocolate Spice (cocoa, cayenne, licorice) and add your medicine: Heart Mender, Dr. Sprinkle's Breast Wishes (Yes. I made an essence of her breasts this summer), Wonder Syrup and more....

Magic, intimacy and healing are underground interruptors of capitalism; I want to provide a community oriented space for healing, as opposed the usual privatized, individual, and expensive “healthcare” that queers, genderqueers, low income folks, and people  of color have limited access to anyway.  I seek to reclaim the spirit (alcohol) and infuse the space with heart and deep healing, while addressing the impact that oppression has on our spirits. As in- betweeners, and dwellers of in-between spaces, we have special access to the world between worlds: the realm of magic.

Step into my Apothequeery and be charmed.

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